Radio, Television and Computer Ngram

The link above is a chart of the use of the words television, radio and computer. I couldn’t figure out how to embed it into this post but the link should work. The relevance of this chart is to show how technology has changed over time. Before television and the computer we can see that the radio was well referenced in books. Once the televions comes out it takes about fifty years for it to catch up to the radio in references. It seems to me that this might be because TV’s were expensive and not everyone could afford them. Computers had a much quicker rise to popularity. It is also the most popular topic out of the three technologies with almost double the number of references in the year 2000. I’m curious to know why compouters were referenced more in 1985 than in 2000 though. Does it have something to do with it moving into the public sphere so the availability of the technology was being hyped up by computer companies?

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