After reading the articles for this week I began to realize how easy it is to hack into someone else’s account. I guess all you need is the last four digits of a credit card and the associated email account along with random other accounts of the same account. The fact that people tend to link all accounts and reuse passwords make it even easier to hack accounts. The reasons stated before are just things that users themselves do to make hacking accounts easier. When paired with the incompetency of Apple and Amazon’s security flaws today’s hackers are hacking more accounts simply because it is easy.
At least now I know to not link all of my accounts together. I also know to use multiple passwords and to store backups of all information. Personally, I don’t have much that I am worried about losing but if my personal information and identity were to be stolen I would not be happy. The articles have given me a new look into identity theft and the need to protect yourself online.